Stellenticket Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin


For a better overview, offers are displayed in two separate lists. In the first list you find offers by companies, state agencies, associations etc., in the second list you find offers by universities and research institutes.


Offers by companies, state agencies, associations, ...

Offers by universities and research institutes

View as:
Offers 1 to 10 out of 128 found

190995Research Associate / PhD Student (m/f/x)
190989Research Associate / PhD Student (m/f/x)
190971Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit im BMBF-geförderten Drittmittelprojekt „VEStOR“
190974PhD Student (f/m/d) in Quantum Computing for Ground and Excited State Electronic Structure Calculations
190381Sachbearbeiter (w/m/d) Drittmittel
190867Studienassistenz für Student*in in der Medientechnik gesucht!
190918Projektmitarbeiter:in im Bereich digitale Bildungsmedien (m/w/d)
190917PhD Student (f/m/d) GPU-Computing for HPC und AI
190904Studentische/r Beschäftigte/r
190902Student assistant (40 hours per month) (Reference number IV-SB-0095-2024)

Permanent recruiters

Here you find profiles of companies, which are constantly searching for new employees. Speculative applications and taking a look at the job portal of the respective company are worthwhile. For example these companies are searching currently: