Offers For a better overview, offers are displayed in two separate lists. In the first list you find offers by companies, state agencies, associations etc., in the second list you find offers by universities and research institutes.
Offers 1 to 10 out of 70 found
10 20 50 Items per page
Offers 41 to 50 out of 140 found
ID Arbeitgeber Site Type Scope Start Duration 192596 Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung e.V.
(Brandenburg, Germany)
At the earliest possible Mai bis Ende August 2025 192574 Leibniz Universität Hannover
(Lower Saxony, Germany)
Construction and planning Civil engineering At the earliest possible Die Stelle ist zunächst auf drei Jahre befristet. 192571 Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V.
(Saxony, Germany)
Engineering Natural sciences 16/05/25 Not defined 192564 Technische Universität Berlin
Charlottenburg, Berlin
(Berlin, Germany)
Construction and planning Civil engineering Engineering At the earliest possible befristet bis zum 30.11.2026 192563 Technische Universität Berlin
Charlottenburg, Berlin
(Berlin, Germany)
Architecture Construction and planning Civil engineering 01/06/25 befristet bis zum 31.03.2028 192561 Technische Universität Berlin
Charlottenburg, Berlin
(Berlin, Germany)
Computer science medicine and health psychology At the earliest possible limited until 14.12.2025 192542 Technische Universität Berlin
Charlottenburg, Berlin
(Berlin, Germany)
Electrical engineering computer science software development At the earliest possible limited until 31.12.2025 192546 Technische Universität Berlin
Charlottenburg, Berlin
(Berlin, Germany)
Electrical engineering computer science At the earliest possible limited to 2 years 192548 Technische Universität Berlin
Charlottenburg, Berlin
(Berlin, Germany)
Architecture Construction and planning Civil engineering At the earliest possible befristet bis zum 31.01.2028 192544 Technische Universität Berlin
Charlottenburg, Berlin
(Berlin, Germany)
Computer science Software development At the earliest possible befristet bis zum 31.05.2026
10 20 50 Items per page
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