
Offre 69 sur 226 du 17/03/2025, 13:41


Europa-Uni­ver­si­tät Via­drina Frank­furt (Oder)

The European University Viadrina is an international and interdisciplinary university that educates around 4,000 students from all over the world in law, economics and cultural studies programmes in the twin city of Frankfurt (Oder)-Słubice on the Polish and German sides of the Oder. It lives the European idea in everyday life, promotes European integration in teaching and research and, with around 319 academic and 300 non-academic employees, forms a community that is particularly concerned with successful communication and cooperation with Eastern Europe.

Identification Number: 1107-25-01

Identification Number: 1107-25-01

Working field:

At the Faculty of Law, specifically at the Chair of Public Law, in particular International Law (Prof. Dr.iur. Dr.phil. Markus Beham), offers a qualification position as

Research Assistant (f/m/d/x)
Identification Number: 1107-25-01
(up to salary group 13 TV-L, 20 hours/week)

This is a fixed-term position of 3 years (predoc) with the possibility of extending the contract after the initial term or 4 years (postdoc) with the possibility of increasing hours to a full position and extending the contract after the initial term.

Responsibilities | Your tasks:

  • teaching to the extent of 2 semester hours per week
  • your own research work amounting to at least 40 % of working hours for your own qualification as part of your doctoral/postdoctoral thesis
  • supporting the teaching and research activities as well as the administrative obligations of the Chair


Qualifications | Your qualifications profile:

  • Master’s level degree in law
  • interest in international and European law as well as the international dimensions of domestic law
  • experience abroad is an advantage
  • excellent knowledge of German and English (Level C1 GER), knowledge of French an advantage

How to apply:

Your application should include the following documents:
Motivation letter, CV, certificates, list of publications, dissertation and another exemplary publication as PDF, an overview of teaching experience and possible evidence of university pedagogy further training

Please send your application as a PDF file to: by 31.03.2025, quoting the above-mentioned reference number (the file will be deleted immediately after the selection procedure has been completed). Questions regarding the position can be sent to secretariat, Jana Wenzel (

Further information on our vacancies and our HR policy can be found on our website. The European University Viadrina is committed to diversity and equality for all employees and observes all relevant equality and inclusion measures in the application process. Please see for further information.